Abstract Class in C#

In c#, Abstract class is a class that can not be instantiated on its own

abstract class in c#

  • In c#, Abstract class is a class that can not be instantiated on its own
  • It is typically used as a base class for other class.
  • Abstract class provides a way to achieve abstraction, because there you can just declare the methods (abstract methods) and implement them later.
  • It can contain both abstract methods (methods without implementation details) and non-abstract methods (method with implementation details).
  • Similar goal can be achieved with interface, but in abstract class you can also define non-abstract method. These methods are needed when you need to share some common functionality.
public abstract class Shape
 // it is the basic syntax of abstract class


abstract class Shape
 public abstract void Draw(); // Abstract method without implementation

    public void Display()  //non abstract method
        Console.WriteLine("Displaying shape...");


// concrete class
class Circle : Shape
 public override void Draw()
 Console.WriteLine("Drawing a circle");

// concrete class
class Square : Shape
 public override void Draw()
 Console.WriteLine("Drawing a square");

class Program
    static void Main()
        Shape circle = new Circle();
        circle.Draw(); // Drawing a circle
        circle.Display(); //Displaying shape...

        Shape square = new Square();
        square.Draw();  // Drawing a square
        square.Display(); //Displaying shape...


  • Shape is an abstract class, which contains an abstract method Draw() and non-abstract method Display().
  • We are defining high level overview of any shape. Whatever shape we will have, it must have a feature Draw. Since we don’t know the details of the shape yet (it may be circle, pentagon, rectangle) , we can not define it it advance. Circle/Rectangle/Pentagon will have it’s own draw method. That’s why Draw() method is marked as abstract-method. It’s implementation will be defined later.
  • Now we have two class Circle and Square. Each class will inherit the Shape class and override the Draw() method.

Originally posted by Ravindra Devrani on February 8, 2024.

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Exported from Medium on February 19, 2025.