Photo by Jan Loyde Cabrera at
When you are going to do some breaking changes in your apis, it is better to create a new version for that, so that user don’t freaked out. They still can use the older APIs and get ready for new changes. There are various way to create a versions of your APIs like
- Query string
- HTTP header
If you prefer video version then you can checkout this video with same content.
We are going to look into the 2nd option, Versioning with URL.
Create a new project with .net cli
dotnet new webapi -o ApiVersionDemo
code ApiVersionDemo
Now install this package:
Open the program.cs file and add these line.
builder.Services.AddApiVersioning(options =>
options.DefaultApiVersion = new ApiVersion(1, 0);
options.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
options.ReportApiVersions = true;
Now lets break it a bit.
DefaultApiVersion, sets the default version, if not passed.
AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified, specifies that whether or not to assume a default api version, if version not specified. I
By setting ReportApiVersions=true, this option enables sending the api-supported-versions and api-deprecated-versions HTTP header in responses.
Lets create our first Controller with name UsersController and write this code there.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace ApiVersioningDemo.Controllers
public class UsersController : ControllerBase
List<string> users= new List<string>{"A1","A7","A5","A4","A5","B1","B2","B5","B6","B57","B21"};
public IActionResult Get(){
return Ok(users);
Attribute ApiVersion(“1.0”) tells that it is a version 1 api endpoint. Now lets, test these api and in response header you will get api-supported-version information. Your endpoint will be "/api/v32/users". I am using ThunderClient extension of vs code, to test web apis, you can use other options like postman or insomnia.
Now, lets create second version to of this API. Create a new controller UsersV2Controller.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace ApiVersioningDemo.Controllers
public class UsersV2Controller : ControllerBase
List<string> users= new List<string>{"A1","A7","A5","A4","A5","B1","B2","B5","B6","B57","B21"};
public IActionResult Get(){
users= users.Where(user=>user.ToLower().StartsWith("b")).ToList();
return Ok(users);
This controller’s get method will return the list of string, which starts with “b”. Lets check its response header. Your endpoint will be "/api/v2/users".
Now, it is a good choice to deprecate the older version, so that consumer can prepare for newer version. In version 1 controller , replace the ApiVersion attribute with this code.
[ApiVersion("1.0",Deprecated =true)]
Your controller will look like this now.
[ApiVersion("1.0",Deprecated =true)]
public class UsersController : ControllerBase
// other stuff will be the same
You can check the response header now.