As the name suggesting , Unit testing is a software testing where smallest units of the application such as methods are tested in the isolation, so that we can ensure our software is working as expected.
Commonly used testing frameworks
- MSTest
- nUnit
- xUnit
Mocking frameworks
Mocking framework is a library which allows us to mock the objects. For example, a PeopleController is injected with the IPersonRepository. While testing the PeopleController, we need the IPersonRepository. Mock frameworks comes to rescue in that situation. With the help of mock frameworks we can mock the IPersonRepository and mimic it’s behavior. Some popular mocking libraries are:
- Moq
- NSubstitue
- FakeItEasy
In this tutorial we are going to use the XUnit framework and nSubstitute library.
Tech Used in this project
- .Net 8 web APIs (controller)
- Sqlite
- EntityFrameworkCore
- xUnit
- nSubstitue
Let’s get started
Create a sln file (I have named it PersonGithubActionsDemo) with two projects
A .Net Core API project (I have named it PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api).
A xUnit project ( I have named it PersonGithubActionsDemo.UnitTests)
✅ Open the project in the VsCode editor.
💻Source code:
🌿Branch: unit-test
Please do not forget to visit the branch ‘unit-test’, I might add some more code in the master branch.
Folder structure
Folder structure of the application
Let’s work with API Project
In this section, we are going to create the endpoints for the People.
Domain classes (Our entities)
👉 Domain/Person.cs
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
namespace PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Domain;
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Email { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public Person()
public Person(int id, string name, string email)
Id = id;
Name = name;
Email = email;
This entity is going to persist in the database.
👉 Install nuget packages
In the Api project, install these packages
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite
👉 Data/PersonContext.cs
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Domain;
namespace PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Data;
public class PersonContext : DbContext
public PersonContext(DbContextOptions<PersonContext> options) : base(options)
public DbSet<Person> People { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<Person>().HasData(new List<Person>{
new () {Id=1,Name="John",Email=""},
new () {Id=2,Name="Jim",Email=""}
In the method named OnModelCreating, we are seeding some data to the table Person.
In the terminal run following command
dotnet ef migrations add init
It will generate the migration files. It can be followed by the database update command (dotnet ef database update), but we do not need it, we are going to do it programmatically.
Add connection string in this file.
"ConnectionStrings": {
"default": "data source = Person.db"
Person.db is the name of sqlite database, which will be created in the root directory.
👉Program.cs file
Add this line in the Program.cs file.
(options => options.UseSqlite(builder.Configuration
// add these lines just above app.Run()
app.MapGet("/", () => "Hello World");
// It will automatically run the pending migration files
using (var scope = app.Services.CreateScope())
var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<PersonContext>();
if (context.Database.GetPendingMigrations().Any())
I have mapped default (“/”) path with the string “Hello World!”, it is not necessary to add this line. When we run our project and visit the default path, this string will be displayed, which ensures our project is running as expected.
Run the application
Now you can run the project using (dotnet run), and browse the default url. You should see ‘Hello World” in the screen.
At this point, our migration has been applied and some data have been seeded in the database.
Let’s Create DTOS
👉 DTOS/PersonCreateDTO.cs
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
namespace PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.DTOS;
public class PersonCreateDTO
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Email { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public PersonCreateDTO(string name, string email)
Name = name;
Email = email;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
namespace PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.DTOS;
public class PersonUpdateDTO
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Email { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public PersonUpdateDTO(int id, string name, string email)
Id = id;
Name = name;
Email = email;
👉 DTOS/PersonReadDTO.cs
namespace PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.DTOS;
public record PersonReadDTO(int Id, string Name, string Email);
I am going to create manual mappers in this project, you can also use libraries like automapper or mapster.
👉 Extensions/PersonMapper:
using System;
using PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Domain;
using PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.DTOS;
namespace PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Extensions;
public static class PersonMapper
public static Person ToPerson(this PersonCreateDTO model)
return new Person
Name = model.Name,
Email = model.Email
public static Person ToPerson(this PersonUpdateDTO model) {
return new Person
Id = model.Id,
Name = model.Name,
Email = model.Email
public static PersonCreateDTO ToPersonCreateDto(this Person person) {
return new PersonCreateDTO(person.Name, person.Email);
public static PersonUpdateDTO ToPersonUpdateDto(this Person person) {
return new PersonUpdateDTO(person.Id, person.Name, person.Email);
public static PersonReadDTO ToPersonReadDto(this Person person) {
return new PersonReadDTO(person.Id, person.Name, person.Email);
👉 Services/IPersonService.cs
using PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Domain;
namespace PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Services;
public interface IPersonService
public Task<Person> AddPersonAsync(Person person);
public Task<Person> UpdatePersonAsync(Person person);
public Task DeletePersonAsync(Person person);
public Task<IEnumerable<Person>> GetPeopleAsync();
public Task<Person?> GetPersonAsync(int id);
👉 Services/PersonService.cs
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Data;
using PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Domain;
namespace PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Services;
public class PersonService : IPersonService
private readonly PersonContext _context;
public PersonService(PersonContext context)
_context = context;
public async Task<Person> AddPersonAsync(Person person)
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return person;
public async Task<Person> UpdatePersonAsync(Person person)
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return person;
public async Task DeletePersonAsync(Person person)
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task<IEnumerable<Person>> GetPeopleAsync() =>
await _context.People.AsNoTracking().ToListAsync();
public async Task<Person?> GetPersonAsync(int id) =>
await _context.People.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == id);
Add this line in the Program.cs file.
👉 Program.cs
builder.Services.AddScoped<IPersonService, PersonService>();
👉 Controllers/PeopleController
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Domain;
using PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.DTOS;
using PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Extensions;
using PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Services;
namespace PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Controllers;
public class PeopleController : ControllerBase
private readonly IPersonService _personService;
private readonly ILogger<PeopleController> _logger;
public PeopleController(IPersonService personService, ILogger<PeopleController> logger)
_personService = personService;
_logger = logger;
public async Task<IActionResult> GetPeople()
var people = (await _personService.GetPeopleAsync()).Select(p => p.ToPersonReadDto()).ToList();
return Ok(people);
catch (Exception ex)
return StatusCode(500, ex.Message);
[HttpGet("{id}", Name = "GetPerson")]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetPerson(int id)
PersonReadDTO? person = (await _personService.GetPersonAsync(id))?.ToPersonReadDto();
if (person == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(person);
catch (Exception ex)
return StatusCode(500, ex.Message);
public async Task<IActionResult> DeletePerson(int id)
Person? person = await _personService.GetPersonAsync(id);
if (person == null)
return NotFound();
await _personService.DeletePersonAsync(person);
return NoContent();
catch (Exception ex)
return StatusCode(500, ex.Message);
public async Task<IActionResult> AddPerson(PersonCreateDTO person)
Person createdPerson = await _personService.AddPersonAsync(person.ToPerson());
return CreatedAtRoute(nameof(GetPerson), new { id = createdPerson.Id }, createdPerson.ToPersonReadDto());
catch (Exception ex)
return StatusCode(500, ex.Message);
public async Task<IActionResult> UpdatePerson(int id, [FromBody] PersonUpdateDTO personToUpdate)
if (id != personToUpdate.Id)
return BadRequest("Id mismatch");
Person? person = await _personService.GetPersonAsync(id);
if (person == null)
return NotFound();
await _personService.UpdatePersonAsync(personToUpdate.ToPerson());
return NoContent();
catch (Exception ex)
return StatusCode(500, ex.Message);
🌐 Now test the endpoints in the postman and make sure everything is working fine.
Unit testing project
In this section we are going to work in the unit testing project.
Install the Nuget Packages
dotnet add package NSubstitute
dotnet add package NSubstitute.Analyzers.CSharp
Project reference
Add the reference of the api project, so that you can access the controller class.
Create a testing Class
Create a new Class in the root of the application and name it PeopleControllerTests
👉 PeopleControllerTests.cs
public class PeopleControllerTests
Since the PeopleController injects ILogger and IPersonService, so we need to mimic their their behavior using NSubstitute. We also have a list of person, which is going to be utilized in test methods.
public class PeopleControllerTests
private readonly IPersonService _personService;
private readonly ILogger<PeopleController> _logger;
private readonly PeopleController _controller;
List<Person> people = new List<Person>
new Person(1, "John", ""),
new Person(2, "Jim", ""),
new Person(3, "Rick","")
public PeopleControllerTests()
_personService = Substitute.For<IPersonService>(); // mocking IPersonService
_logger = Substitute.For<ILogger<PeopleController>>(); // mocking ILogger
_controller = new PeopleController(_personService, _logger);
Make sure to import these packages at the top.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using NSubstitute;
using NSubstitute.ExceptionExtensions;
using PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Controllers;
using PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Domain;
using PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.DTOS;
using PersonGithubActionsDemo.Api.Services;
Let’s write our first test method.
public async Task GetPeople_ReturnsOkResult_WithPeopleList()
// Arrange
// Act
var result = await _controller.GetPeople();
// Assert
var okResult = Assert.IsType<OkObjectResult>(result);
var peopleList = Assert.IsType<List<PersonReadDTO>>(okResult.Value);
Assert.True(peopleList.Count > 0);
In this test we are ensuring that the GetPeople method return OkResult with the people list.
Run the test
Open the integrated terminal and run this command:
dotnet test
You will be seeing the passing result the terminal.
Let’s write the remaining test, the name of the test methods are the self explanatory.
👉 GetPerson_ReturnOKResult_WithPerson
public async Task GetPerson_ReturnOKResult_WithPerson()
// Arrange
int id = 1;
var person = people.First(a => a.Id == id);
// Act
var result = await _controller.GetPerson(id);
// Assert
var okResult = Assert.IsType<OkObjectResult>(result);
var personResult = Assert.IsType<PersonReadDTO>(okResult.Value);
Assert.Equal(id, personResult.Id);
👉 GetPerson_ReturnsNotFound_WhenPersonDoesNotExist
public async Task GetPerson_ReturnsNotFound_WhenPersonDoesNotExist()
// Arrange
int id = 1;
// Act
var result = await _controller.GetPerson(id);
// Assert
👉 DeletePerson_ReturnsNoContentResult
public async Task DeletePerson_ReturnsNoContentResult()
// Arrange
var id = 1;
var person = people.First(a => a.Id == id);
// Act
var result = await _controller.DeletePerson(id);
// Assert
👉 DeletePerson_ReturnsNotFoundResult_WhenPersonDoesNotExist
public async Task DeletePerson_ReturnsNotFoundResult_WhenPersonDoesNotExist()
// Arrange
int id = 999; // ID that doesn't exist
// Act
var result = await _controller.DeletePerson(id);
// Assert
👉 AddPerson_ReturnsCreatedAtRouteResult_WhenPersonAddedSuccessfully
public async Task AddPerson_ReturnsCreatedAtRouteResult_WhenPersonAddedSuccessfully()
// Arrange
PersonCreateDTO personCreateDto = new PersonCreateDTO("John", "");
var person = people.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == "John" && a.Email == "");
// Act
var result = await _controller.AddPerson(personCreateDto);
// Assert
var createdAtRouteResult = Assert.IsType<CreatedAtRouteResult>(result);
Assert.Equal(nameof(_controller.GetPerson), createdAtRouteResult.RouteName);
Assert.Equal(1, createdAtRouteResult.RouteValues["id"]);
var personReadDTO = Assert.IsType<PersonReadDTO>(createdAtRouteResult.Value);
Assert.Equal(person.Id, personReadDTO.Id);
👉 AddPerson_ReturnsStatusCodeResult_WhenServiceThrowsException
public async Task AddPerson_ReturnsStatusCodeResult_WhenServiceThrowsException()
// Arrange
var personCreateDTO = new PersonCreateDTO("John", "");
// Act
var result = await _controller.AddPerson(personCreateDTO);
// Assert
var statusCodeResult = Assert.IsType<ObjectResult>(result);
Assert.Equal(500, statusCodeResult.StatusCode);
👉 UpdatePerson_ReturenNoContent_WhenPersonUpdated
public async Task UpdatePerson_ReturenNoContent_WhenPersonUpdated()
// Arrange
int id = 1;
var personUpdateDto = new PersonUpdateDTO(id, "John", "");
var person = people.First(a => a.Id == personUpdateDto.Id);
// Act
var result = await _controller.UpdatePerson(id, personUpdateDto);
// Assert
👉 UpdatePerson_ReturnsBadRequest_WhenIdMismatch
public async Task UpdatePerson_ReturnsBadRequest_WhenIdMismatch()
// Arrange
int id = 1;
PersonUpdateDTO personToUpdate = new PersonUpdateDTO(2, "John", "");
// Act
var result = await _controller.UpdatePerson(id, personToUpdate);
// Assert
var badRequestResult = Assert.IsType<BadRequestObjectResult>(result);
Assert.Equal("Id mismatch", badRequestResult.Value);
👉 UpdatePerson_ReturnsNotFound_WhenPersonNotFound
public async Task UpdatePerson_ReturnsNotFound_WhenPersonNotFound()
// Arrange
int id = 1;
PersonUpdateDTO personToUpdate = new PersonUpdateDTO(id, "John", "");
// Act
var result = await _controller.UpdatePerson(id, personToUpdate);
// Assert