Ngrx Entity and Effects

ngrx entity and effects

NGRX Entity gives you an efficient and quick way to deal with ngrx store related operations, such as read, write, update, delete. You can focus on productivity, rather than creating and modifeng complex state everytime. It can be very helpful when you are dealing with complex state and handling with http services at the same time.

What is ngrx ?

Ngrx is a state management library, that stores the state globally. Lets understand some of its components.

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Angular Autocomlete With Ng Select

Angular Autocomlete With Ng Select

There are various packages available for implementing autocomplete in angular and we are going to use the simplest one (ng-select).

Let’s finish talking and need to start write code. Let’s install ng-select package from command line

npm install --save @ng-select/ng-select

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Angular pagination with infinite scroll (using ngx-infite-scroll)

angular infinite scroll

Photo by Ajda ATZ on Unsplash

Sometimes we get a condition where you don’t want to display all the data at once. Initially we display some data, and when we scroll down ,we loads more data. This kind of behaviour you can see in youtube, instagram or facebook. You might even spend much time of your day on just scrolling down. So we are gonna learn how to do that.

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