dotnet 26
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Rest Api Designing Best Practices
Dotnet Service Lifetime : AddTransient(), AddScoped(), AddSingleton()
SingleAsync vs SingleOrDefaultAync vs FirstAsync vs FirstOrDefaultAsync vs FindAync
Database Firsts Approach In EF Core
Creating and Installing Dotnet CLI Tool
Securing The .NET 9 App: Signup, Login, JWT, Refresh Tokens, and Role Based Access with PostgreSQL
Handle Exceptions Globally in .NET Core With IExceptionHandler And IProblemDetailService
Dotnet Core Api CRUD With Dapper and PostgreSql
Unit of Work With Generic Repository in DotNet Core
Integration Testing in Dotnet With InMemory Db
Unit Testing in Dotnet Core With Nsubstitute
Containerizing Dotnet App With PostgreSql Using Docker Compose
Containerizing Dotnet App With Sql Server Using Docker Compose
.Net Core API CRUD With PostgreSql
Image Upload CRUD Operations in .NET Core WebAPIs
Separating the DI Setup From Program.cs file
Fluent Validation in Dotnet Core
Uploading Images in Blazor Server
Easiest Way to Handle Csv Files in Csharp
Catch Exception Globally in Dotnet Core Apis
Output Caching With Dotnet 7
JWT Authentication and Role Based Authorization in Dotnet Core
Create Sln File With Multiple Projects
Api Versioning in Dotnet Core
Write dapper effectively with generic methods
Serilog in .NET
csharp 12
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LINQ: Zip() operator
Curious Case of LINQ Group By
LINQ: SelectMany()
Higher Order Functions in C#
Let's dive into various types of properties in c#
Understanding The Pure And Impure Functions in C#
Private Constructor in C#
Delegates, Anonymous Method and Lambda Expression
Abstract Class in C#
Easiest Way to Handle Csv Files in Csharp
Multiple Ways to Find Duplicates in Csharp Array
C# Dictionary and Its Use Cases
design-patterns 12
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Command Pattern With C#
Adapter Pattern: Bridging the gap between incompatible interfaces
Facade Pattern With C#
Decorator Pattern With C#
Observer Pattern
Abstract Factory Pattern With C#
Factory Method Pattern with c#
The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
Open Closed Principle (OCP)
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)